
Tom and Linda Clinton

Tom and Linda Clinton founded First Love International Ministries in 2001. At that time their overarching goal was to model passion for the Lord and compassion for the lost. Tom served as the first President/CEO and has recently passed the baton of leadership to Dr. Phil Smith. Meanwhile, Tom and Linda are continuing to do what they love best…to share the love and hope of Jesus with the marginalized, abused and downtrodden. To the little people in this world…to the least of these. Their utmost desire is to follow the purpose statement Jesus presented to his disciples when he said: “The Son of Man is come to seek and to save those who are lost.” Tom and Linda are focusing their energies on the countries of Kenya, the Philippines, and the USA, but they are open to God’s call whenever and wherever.

In their free time you can usually find Tom and Linda working in their flower gardens, interacting with their kids and grandkids, or playing golf. Tom also spends an inordinate amount of time in silence and solitude while exercising on jogging paths around the world.

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