Daniel Ross and Family

Daniel and Janna Ross

Daniel and Janna Ross have lived in Ukraine since 2011. They partner with Ukrainian Christians to provide Christ-centered homes for orphaned and abandoned young people. Their main ministry focus has been Safe Haven Transition Home, which is the home of their wonderful partners, Anya and Bogdon. Over 80 teens have lived at Safe Haven in the past 20 years.

Before the war, the Ross’s organized camps and backpacking trips for orphanage kids, led building trips, and much more. Due to the war, their roles have changed dramatically. They now focus on fundraising and supporting Anya and Bogdan in whatever way they can. They help bring supplies and aid into Ukraine, as well as support a volunteer medic team who bring wounded off the front.

They are also using their skills and passions to deepen relationships and meet some of the overwhelming needs around them. Two of their newest initiatives are construction projects to rebuild homes for the most vulnerable and launching a small business selling used English books, which are in high demand.

Daniel and Janna have one child, Oliver, and plan to live in Ukraine indefinitely.

Pictured: Vitalik and Lena, Bogdon and Anya, Janna, Daniel and Oliver Ross

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