First Love International
Claire Marquez

Claire Marquez

Claire Elisa Marquez was born in Medellín, Colombia, and was adopted by US parents when she was a year old. Almost as soon as she could walk, she began working on dribbling a ball. Throughout her school years, her innate athletic drive had her joining teams and playing games—volleyball, softball, basketball, tennis—and she placed several times in the National Junior Frisbee championships. Claire’s first jobs were as referee and umpire. Her college degree was in sports marketing with an emphasis in coaching. For a number of years she served as a missionary in Colombia, developing games to encourage children and youth to grow in Christian character—faith, virtue, knowledge, and more. Now she continues that work in Chicago, working as an aide to children with severe disabilities in her neighborhood public school and directing sports/games camps under the banner of her Christian Character Sports Ministry.