South Asia

South Asia

Help transform the lives of South Asia’s most vulnerable children. Come alongside local ministry efforts to nurture their growth and break the cycle of poverty.

Specifically, your support provides oversight of two children’s homes. These homes provide a safe, loving place for about 70 children who have experienced exploitation, poverty, and trauma. Many are orphans or their family is unable to financially care for them. They receive a warm bed, nutritious meals, and the love of Jesus. Plus, they have the opportunity to go to school. There are no social services in Pakistan, so these homes are vital to breaking the cycle of poverty for these kids, leading to healthier teens, adults and communities.

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Fundraising Goal: $25,000

Amount Raised: $12,676

Stories From South Asia

Like many of the most vulnerable First Love works with, *Amy is gradually finding her way back to stability and joy through wholistic care that is saturated in Jesus’ love!

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