
Re-Building Ukraine

Your support goes right where it’s needed most in rebuilding Ukraine – building homes for those most impacted by the war.

Your donation helps cover the cost of materials and hiring local labor, providing not only water and septic, but a source of income in an economy that is in chaos. Whether it’s replacing a roof, making current homes liveable, or constructing new homes for the most vulnerable, there is much work to be done and your support helps make it possible.

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Stories From Ukraine

First Love’s team members, Daniel and Janna Ross, serve in Ukraine and have dreamed of starting a small business in response to the need for…
Beside the feeling of constantly losing all remnants of my old life, the hardest part of these past two years may be the inability to plan for the future. I want to dream of a day when there is no war, and we can enter the rebuilding phase for Ukraine’s bright future. However, in so many ways it feels like our entire world stopped on February 24, 2022 and now we’re simply frozen in time.
Our team members, Daniel and Janna, and most of those partnering with them, have returned to Ukraine. They are happy to be back and serving, but the Ukraine they once knew is much altered. Across the country, the war rages on and leaves crippling effects in its wake…

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